Saturday, 3 June 2017

Question Time with May and Corbyn

I find it hard to understand how some people aren't able to realise the consequences of using nuclear weaponry. Hopefully this isn't the case with most. You can only be sociopathic or deeply, fundamentally ignorant if you are willing to use a nuclear weapon, like Theresa May or a number of members of last night's BBC Question Time. Using nuclear weaponry in every case means the obliteration of life, probably including hundreds and thousands of civilians, and should thus not be seen as an option.

May had an easy ride on QT, that's for sure. If she had attended the leaders debate a few nights ago it would have been a very, very different picture, which would have been sweet to watch. The party leaders in the debate would have known what questions to ask. But instead May pushed Amber Rudd in the firing line.

Strong and stable.

A third of May's QT was spent waffling about Brexit. The audience members asked about 5 questions on this issue. I'm not saying its unimportant but the Conservatives have clearly made Brexit an unevenly massive element of their campaign. Their campaign oscillates between immaturely and viciously disparaging Corbyn and waffling about Brexit negotiations and having a "strong hand in them". They have made it such a large element of their campaign because they don't actually have much else to say. They haven't even costed their manifesto and they haven't really addressed austerity or our foreign policy and how they are going to combat the various issues stemming from these, such as our crisis in social care, education, war and the NHS. They'll say things like "we've put record levels of funding into our NHS", but why is it in such shambles then? Why are nurses going to food banks? I come away from May feeling uninformed, uninspired, lied to and distracted from issues that matter.

A few important points were broached with May last night, such as NHS cuts and it's effects on nurses, but none pursued nearly far enough. Why was May not deeply interrogated about the fact that she is willing to decimate hundreds of thousands of civilians? Couldn't she have been asked what the Naylor report is and why she supports it? Or why Britain is the second biggest arms dealer in the world and why we are selling arms to Saudi Arabia who is bombing Yemen and how this fits into their manipulative dishonest portrayal of Corbyn as a terrorist sympathiser as demonstrated in their vicious campaign video? In light of the fact that May is willing to use Trident as first strike and her government is selling arms to Saudi Arabia who in turn are funding terrorism, why, if anyone, is she not accused of being a terrorist sympathiser?


Or maybe not so curious. One thing that has been emphasised, yet again, in last night's QT is that the popular press pretty much run the show. They largely determine the questions, even the irrelevant ones, because they create a landscape that decides what issues are lodged in peoples minds. Why is Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser? Why is Corbyn unwilling to obliterate hundreds of thousands of civilians? We can't trust Corbyn as he's a terrorist sympathiser but, uhhh, we also can't trust him because he won't slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a matter of seconds. Its the press that discourage the audience from asking May difficult and pertinent questions, because they aren't properly reported on and, unlike many issues with Corbyn, aren't pummelled into the minds of the public.

If you want a government that actually addresses the negative effects of austerity and that wouldn't be willing to decimate hundreds of thousands of civilians and large areas of life then vote Labour.


  1. Hi,

    I would like to comment in support of your post, I loved it. I specifically enjoyed your writing style, subject matter and your use of links, references are important and it's a sign of the thought you put in to writing it despite the Question Time episode being less than twenty four hours old.

    My first point in support of your post is related to Theresa May's willingness to 'push the red button' and thus launch nuclear weapons. This is utterly deplorable. We're talking about a situation, nuclear destruction, where the previous occurrences can be counted on one hand. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima and Chernobyl. In Theresa May we have someone that's prepared to join this club and unleash absolute havoc. How can anyone even consider voting for such an abhorrent human being? If she dropped a nuke there would be the initial huge loss of life, which she's fine with, but also the lasting effect such as the poisoning of the land and mind. I can't even fathom what the lasting physical and psychological effects would be.

    Of course, Theresa doesn't mind. She's happy to sell arms to Saudi Arabia and assist in their destruction of Yemen, you have to keep the money flowing in from the Gulf didn't you know? She has nothing to say about their human rights abuses, at home and in Yemen, or their Wahhabist branch of Islam that has spawned the likes of Al-Qaeda and 'so called Islamic State.' Capitalism first, morals second. She’s quick to criticize ‘terrorist sympathisers’ though. Look in the mirror Mrs May.

    Next I would like to reference your point regarding Brexit, it’s an inevitability and all politicians want to respect the ‘will of the people’ but she doesn’t half bang on about it does she? Her robotic repetition of the term is nauseating. She reminds me of a line from the song ‘Psycho Killer’ by The Talking Heads, ‘You’re talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything.’ I’m a repetitive person so I know what I’m talking about. She says nothing of substance and she’s just making noise about what she thinks the plebs want to hear.

    Theresa bigs up the NHS and nurses a lot but if she’s such a big fan then why doesn’t she reverse the decision of David Cameron’s government to no longer provide bursaries for nurses, midwifes and most allied health students? We’re going to encourage you to join the NHS but be sure to get in to as much debt as you can on your way. Also, if she loves the institution so much, why hasn’t she jettisoned the universally hated man that has spawned protests and strikes, Jeremy Hunt? Come on Theresa, you and your lot don’t like it when the proles kick and go on strike back so surely you’d want to do something about him? But of course you’re not going to do anything about him because he fits well with the ‘drip drip’ degradation of the NHS, if you do it slowly and for long enough then the public will believe that the only way to save it is by privatisation. As a senior partner in a one point four trillion investment fund I’m sure your husband will know someone that will lap up the institution that you’ve run in to the ground. Theresa could also reverse another Cameron policy of fining the NHS when they don’t meet targets but that would mean privatisation would come slower so she won’t do that.

    I had planned on writing more in response to your post but I’m losing steam so I’ll wrap it up whilst I can.

    The Tories are behaving like children, they have nothing of substance to say so they using every opportunity to assassinate Jeremy Corbyn’s character through every medium possible. The medium is the message and they know this.

    Make June the end of May.

    1. Thanks for your detailed comment Thomas. I think this is needed more in social media!

      As you said yourself, you probably could have said a lot more, I know I could have! I imagine you, like me, have other commitments, such as work, that leave one with depleted energy. I'm in work right now actually! But we can't let ourselves be ground down and must try our best to combat injustice in the establishment.

      You've pin-pointed all the important issues; the use of nuclear weaponry and its inevitable devastating consequences, Britain's involvement in arms-dealing with reference to Saudi Arabia and their connections with IS, distracting the public with placing uneven importance on Brexit and not actually saying anything of worth or meaning, the situation in the NHS and the continual saddening onslaught on Corbyn's character.

      I appreciate the response! Keep on trucking!


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