I can feel the tide turning when it comes to the general public’s perception of Corbyn and his views. I can see the veil lifting from the eyes of Corbyn’s many detractors and sceptics.
The Conservatives are going to find it very hard to recover from their ultimate recent blunder and with the rise of social media and alternative news websites it is getting increasingly hard to manipulate and brainwash the public.
In the past 30 years or so, with neoliberalism, perpetual war and austerity, many people were and are at (or beyond) breaking point. Then Corbyn, an honest politician and stalwart activist, wholly committed to anti-war and anti-inequality causes throughout his life, becomes leader of the opposition.
On the one hand you had the overwhelming response from Corbyn’s real supporters, who from the start saw that he was an honest principled man steadfastly devoted to social justice. On the other hand you had the Conservatives, the weight of the billionaire press and the careerist new-labour MPs opposed to him.
The billionaire-owned and establishment press have indisputably and systematically attacked Corbyn since he became leader of the Labour party. He's been called unelectable, a weak leader, hard-left, shabby, unrealistic, a terrorist sympathiser, a threat to national security, economically illiterate, dithering. Those who saw clearly from the beginning knew that this was unfounded media bias that reverses reality, but millions were taken in. Now, I believe, this election, it's result and Theresa May's choices have brought these accusations into accurate and appropriate relief for the wider population.
Corbyn was thought of as weak; now May is weak.
Corbyn was thought of as dithering; now May is dithering.
Corbyn was thought of as an apologist for terror; now May is an apologist for terror.
Corbyn was thought of as a threat to national security; now May is a threat to national security.
There is uneasiness, regret and worry in the Conservative party and the establishment, which is fun to watch. Against all previous odds, against the weight of the billionaires, the Conservatives, new-Labour and, most impressive, against the ideological foundations of our prevailing social system (neoliberalism) Corbyn and his party fought remarkably well and stopped the Conservatives from achieving a majority. An impressive, admirable feat. The pride I feel as a Corbyn supporter and member of the Labour party is great.
Thus on one side it has become hard to deny that Corbyn is a uniquely honest, likeable and resilient leader. On the other side it has become hard to deny that May is an inconsistent, dishonest, weak and very desperate leader. I can see a crack forming in the Conservative party, an initial sign of disintegration.
The billionaire-owned rags have also suffered a great defeat. They stooped to sickening lows in this election, accusing principled people of being terrorist sympathisers and exploiting the raw, fresh violence of the London and Manchester attacks for completely selfish political ends. They have essentially failed in their vicious attempts.
I can see a wave in the distance; a more informed and fed-up general public who have glimpsed the corruption and lies at the heart of our establishment.
Thus, coupled with the admirable presence and increasing rise of independent online news sites and social media, I am hoping it has taken this election to reveal the true colours of the Conservatives and likewise the true colours of Jeremy Corbyn and his transformed inspirational Labour party to the wider public.
This is just the beginning and I am hopeful.
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