2 - In an interview with Andrew Neil May accused Corbyn of scare-mongering in order to "sneak into number 10". Thus in the same breath as accusing Corbyn of scaremongering May herself was scaremongering, saying that Corbyn aims, like some deceitful unworthy villain, to become PM. For May and the Conservatives to accuse Corbyn and Labour of scaremongering and to imply that they were underhanded and deceitful in their election campaign is shockingly hypocritical, seeing as though the Conservative campaign was particularly vicious, dishonest and dirty and overwhelmingly based on fear and hate. Contrariwise, Labour's campaign was overwhelmingly based on hope, optimism and positivity and did not resort to personal attacks or relentless character assassinations.
3 - Boris Johnson, along with May and Michael Fallon, vehemently disagreed with Corbyn when he made a speech connecting our foreign policy to terrorism. Corbyn's speech, however, is an iteration of what Johnson himself said the past.
4 - The Conservatives accused Corbyn of being a terrorist sympathiser with reference to the IRA and are now getting into bed with a Northern Ireland political party, the DUP, associated with terrorism. Whats more, Corbyn was accused of sympathising with the IRA because he was involved in peace negotiations with Northern Ireland during "The Troubles". These negotiations led to the Good Friday Agreement and Theresa May's deal with the DUP puts this very agreement, meaning peace between Britain and Northern Ireland, in jeopardy (see links below). The Conservatives in their election campaign went so far as distorting footage of Corbyn so that it seemed like he didn't condemn the IRA.
5 - May and her government claimed Corbyn was a terrorist sympathiser with Hamas and Hezbollah too, even though May and the Conservatives sell arms to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia are bombing Yemen, practising and promoting extremist ideologies and funded IS. Also as Home Secretary May allowed the alleged Manchester attacker Salman Abedi to travel across Europe and not be monitored, even though the FBI warned MI5 about him. The hypocrisy here is staggering. There is a connection between the Conservative government and the Manchester and London Bridge terror attacks. May has defended our ties with Saudi Arabia and has not promised to stop selling them arms. Corbyn, on the other hand, has said we should halt arms sales to them.
6 - May and her party used the word "magic money tree" many, many times during their election campaign to disparage the Labour party's spending in their (fully costed) manifesto, but now the Conservatives have somehow found £1.5 billion to strike a deal with the DUP. In spite of austerity continuing unabated the Conservatives can always conveniently locate money for their self-serving activities.
7 - Conservative MPs and May praised the fire-service and police for their brave efforts in Grenfell Tower and the recent UK terror attacks but, in spite of Labour's amendment, have decided to continue with cuts to these services and the pay cap on public sector workers. This ties in with the last example too. There is no magic money tree when it comes to paying our brave service people a decent wage but there is when it comes to striking a deal with a backward political party. To stand there and praise our public service people, scoring political points, and not genuinely take any action to improve their lives (when you have the money to) is disgraceful. Corbyn and his party, for the record, genuinely want to take action to help our service people, including nurses, the police, the armed forces and our fire services.
8 - May and her government warned frequently of a coalition of chaos during their election campaign with reference to Labour and other parties and have now struck a deal with a political party who have connections with terrorism, who don't believe women have the right to abortion, who don't believe in LGBT rights and whose previous environment minister denied climate change.
As far as I'm concerned, in light of these points one has to concede that the Conservatives are deceitful, manipulative, self-serving and particularly hypocritical.
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