Jeremy Corbyn is a sensible, humane and mature politician, and look at how he's been treated for the past two years.
One of the Conservatives' main campaign tactics is inciting fear; fear, for example, that one individual, in this case Corbyn, is a threat to our security. Other tactics include distracting from issues that matter, as with the uneven emphasis placed on Brexit when there are many more pressing issues. And lying or not responding to questions in a meaningful way. All these were demonstrated with Theresa May on Question Time a few nights ago.
One of the Conservatives' main campaign tactics is inciting fear; fear, for example, that one individual, in this case Corbyn, is a threat to our security. Other tactics include distracting from issues that matter, as with the uneven emphasis placed on Brexit when there are many more pressing issues. And lying or not responding to questions in a meaningful way. All these were demonstrated with Theresa May on Question Time a few nights ago.
An example of lying or not responding in a meaningful way would be that May frequently says "we have put record levels of funding in the NHS" when all the evidence (see first four links below) says otherwise. The Conservatives are either completely disconnected from ordinary people and the effects of austerity or they simply don't care and are lying. Can't the majority of the public see this yet? An example of desperate fear-mongering is illustrated in their vicious campaign video which has taken video clips of Corbyn out of context to paint an untrue picture that he's a terrorist sympathiser.
Only an insecure, vicious and dishonest party would use such tactics. Thomas Clark, the author of Another Angry Voice, makes a very good point in one of his recent posts (see last, fifth, link below), where he points out Corbyn's reaction to the recent allegation of Conservative election fraud. Whereas the Conservatives would have unflinchingly leapt at something like this if it had happened with Corbyn, with feral glee and hunger in their eyes, Corbyn states
"Nobody should be commenting on the details of an ongoing case. The police must be allowed to act independently to investigate on the basis of any evidence they’ve got, and the Crown Prosecution Service must be allowed to make its decision on whether to proceed on a case.
It is a very bad road when democratically elected politicians start offering a running commentary on independent judicial processes. We have to have total separation of political and judicial powers in this country.
All politicians need to be extremely careful – politicians are elected to parliament to be held to account by the public"
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