1 - Theresa May is doing a deal with the DUP
The slaps, kicks and punches to the face of the British public are ceaseless.
Throughout their election campaign the Conservatives and their establishment media accused Jeremy Corbyn of sympathising with the IRA. Now May is doing a deal with the DUP! A bigoted, backward Irish party associated with terrorism. I am genuinely finding it hard to process and comprehend this level of hypocrisy.
Perhaps the worst thing, though, is that peace in Northern Ireland is being risked. Even John Major, the Conservative PM during the Northern Ireland peace process in the 1990s, has agreed with this point, saying May's choice is a mistake.
Thus we have 3 obvious, highly detrimental elements of May's deal with the DUP.
- Overwhelming, all-consuming, mind-numbing hypocrisy.
- An association with backward, bigoted views that undo and tarnish many of Britain's developments in equality. Regardless of whether the DUP's views/policies are applied or not, it’s the principle. It's what the DUP represent.
- A risk to the peace process in Northern Ireland. May's deal dismisses and trivialises in one fell swoop all the horrendous death and terrorism that occurred in Northern Ireland and Britain during "The Troubles".
That this deal is even being considered is abhorrent and should destroy the reputation of the Conservative party.
2 - Austerity
May and her party don't care about people suffering under austerity. This is why they started it in the first place. They didn't need to start it because our country had and still has sufficient wealth. Such wealth is just concentrated in the hands of the few.
Austerity takes money from essential public services that poorer people heavily rely on. Social care, education, healthcare, the police and armed forces.
If things were looked at clearly by the whole country then everyone would see that Corbyn is different, this is why he is such a unique and admirable politician. He is sensitive to issues of war, poverty and inequality . He is in touch with these issues. He really understands them and knows what needs to be done about them.
In the run up to the general election May didn't give any proper indication that she and her party wanted to reduce austerity. Their tune afterwards, however, has changed. They saw that Labour did better than expected and have surmised that this was largely because Labour promoted an anti-austerity agenda. Thus, purely in order to gain more votes, not for "the national interest" or for working people (if it was for these things they would have alleviated austerity by now), the Conservatives are now brazenly considering stealing Labour's anti-austerity agenda. They are even stealing Labour's slogans.
One gets the impression that everything is a game to the Conservatives. Tories are by and large very rich individuals out of touch with ordinary people, playing vicious manipulative games and living in a neoliberal social environment that overwhelmingly favours their individualistic, uncaring, skewed ethos and policies.
3 - May and the Conservatives edited footage to promulgate a lie about Corbyn
The Conservatives know that Corbyn isn't a terrorist sympathiser. They simply used fear and exploited the recent terror attacks, lying about a man who has dedicated his life to anti-war causes, to manipulate the public. A humane party worth voting for would never, ever have done this.
4 - May made an arrogant assumption about the electorate
In calling a general election May and the Conservatives, instead of focusing on "the national interest" and Brexit negotiations, arrogantly assumed they would win by a landslide, hoping they could exert more control over Britain.
5 - May wouldn't debate her opposition
In a further act of arrogance and another blatant slap in the face to the British public, our "strong and stable" PM wouldn't even discuss her policies with her opposition. It's as though she wanted the public to just blindly vote for her.
6 - The Conservatives paid off Google and YouTube to spread their fear and hate-filled campaign messages
The Conservatives paid Google so that if you searched for, say, the Labour Party, the first result would be a link to a vicious page on their website which takes quotes of Corbyn out of context to form a lie about him.
The Conservatives paid off YouTube to have their edited footage of Corbyn (as addressed in point 3) precede any song as an advert.
7 - May holds a first strike nuclear policy
May's stance means using nuclear weapons as an attack and she was not questioned about this during the election.
If May did decide to attack a country with a nuclear weapon this would likely encourage them to retaliate with their own nukes. It's not like Hiroshima and Nagasaki anymore; a number of countries have nuclear weapons now too.
Nuclear weapons, as was seen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wipe out vast swathes of life, probably including hundreds and thousands of civilians, and would destroy or toxify future life too.
May's approach would either kill hundreds of thousands of the opposing country's civilians AND our civilians or would simply kill the opposing country's civilians. The non-civilians, bearing in mind, would be in safe houses; this point must surely make the average person realise why there is such an easy willingness to commit this act on May's part? We, the masses, would bear the brunt of her actions.
If you think about it, May has called it wrong on foreign policy throughout her life, Iraq and Libya being the main examples and, so it seems, will continue to mindlessly do so, never learning from her mistakes. Don't you want a PM genuinely committed to achieving diplomatic solutions to international conflicts?
Ending Remarks
Although at times I might come across as passionate and use emotive words to emphasise my points, what I am saying has happened and, I believe, is by and large indisputably accurate.
I'm not lying, like the Conservatives did about Corbyn. I'm not trying to smear anyone. I am simply stating what I've observed in a passionate way.
What is essential is that the popular press - the BBC, national newspapers and popular TV and radio shows - actually addresses and interrogates these issues. They don't have to address them exactly as I have, but at least address them.
The wider British public must be informed and educated.

Throughout their election campaign the Conservatives and their establishment media accused Jeremy Corbyn of sympathising with the IRA. Now May is doing a deal with the DUP! A bigoted, backward Irish party associated with terrorism. I am genuinely finding it hard to process and comprehend this level of hypocrisy.
Perhaps the worst thing, though, is that peace in Northern Ireland is being risked. Even John Major, the Conservative PM during the Northern Ireland peace process in the 1990s, has agreed with this point, saying May's choice is a mistake.
Thus we have 3 obvious, highly detrimental elements of May's deal with the DUP.
- Overwhelming, all-consuming, mind-numbing hypocrisy.
- An association with backward, bigoted views that undo and tarnish many of Britain's developments in equality. Regardless of whether the DUP's views/policies are applied or not, it’s the principle. It's what the DUP represent.
- A risk to the peace process in Northern Ireland. May's deal dismisses and trivialises in one fell swoop all the horrendous death and terrorism that occurred in Northern Ireland and Britain during "The Troubles".
That this deal is even being considered is abhorrent and should destroy the reputation of the Conservative party.
2 - Austerity
May and her party don't care about people suffering under austerity. This is why they started it in the first place. They didn't need to start it because our country had and still has sufficient wealth. Such wealth is just concentrated in the hands of the few.
Austerity takes money from essential public services that poorer people heavily rely on. Social care, education, healthcare, the police and armed forces.
If things were looked at clearly by the whole country then everyone would see that Corbyn is different, this is why he is such a unique and admirable politician. He is sensitive to issues of war, poverty and inequality . He is in touch with these issues. He really understands them and knows what needs to be done about them.
In the run up to the general election May didn't give any proper indication that she and her party wanted to reduce austerity. Their tune afterwards, however, has changed. They saw that Labour did better than expected and have surmised that this was largely because Labour promoted an anti-austerity agenda. Thus, purely in order to gain more votes, not for "the national interest" or for working people (if it was for these things they would have alleviated austerity by now), the Conservatives are now brazenly considering stealing Labour's anti-austerity agenda. They are even stealing Labour's slogans.
One gets the impression that everything is a game to the Conservatives. Tories are by and large very rich individuals out of touch with ordinary people, playing vicious manipulative games and living in a neoliberal social environment that overwhelmingly favours their individualistic, uncaring, skewed ethos and policies.
3 - May and the Conservatives edited footage to promulgate a lie about Corbyn
The Conservatives know that Corbyn isn't a terrorist sympathiser. They simply used fear and exploited the recent terror attacks, lying about a man who has dedicated his life to anti-war causes, to manipulate the public. A humane party worth voting for would never, ever have done this.
4 - May made an arrogant assumption about the electorate
In calling a general election May and the Conservatives, instead of focusing on "the national interest" and Brexit negotiations, arrogantly assumed they would win by a landslide, hoping they could exert more control over Britain.
5 - May wouldn't debate her opposition
In a further act of arrogance and another blatant slap in the face to the British public, our "strong and stable" PM wouldn't even discuss her policies with her opposition. It's as though she wanted the public to just blindly vote for her.
6 - The Conservatives paid off Google and YouTube to spread their fear and hate-filled campaign messages
The Conservatives paid Google so that if you searched for, say, the Labour Party, the first result would be a link to a vicious page on their website which takes quotes of Corbyn out of context to form a lie about him.
The Conservatives paid off YouTube to have their edited footage of Corbyn (as addressed in point 3) precede any song as an advert.
7 - May holds a first strike nuclear policy
May's stance means using nuclear weapons as an attack and she was not questioned about this during the election.
If May did decide to attack a country with a nuclear weapon this would likely encourage them to retaliate with their own nukes. It's not like Hiroshima and Nagasaki anymore; a number of countries have nuclear weapons now too.
Nuclear weapons, as was seen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wipe out vast swathes of life, probably including hundreds and thousands of civilians, and would destroy or toxify future life too.
May's approach would either kill hundreds of thousands of the opposing country's civilians AND our civilians or would simply kill the opposing country's civilians. The non-civilians, bearing in mind, would be in safe houses; this point must surely make the average person realise why there is such an easy willingness to commit this act on May's part? We, the masses, would bear the brunt of her actions.
If you think about it, May has called it wrong on foreign policy throughout her life, Iraq and Libya being the main examples and, so it seems, will continue to mindlessly do so, never learning from her mistakes. Don't you want a PM genuinely committed to achieving diplomatic solutions to international conflicts?
Ending Remarks
Although at times I might come across as passionate and use emotive words to emphasise my points, what I am saying has happened and, I believe, is by and large indisputably accurate.
I'm not lying, like the Conservatives did about Corbyn. I'm not trying to smear anyone. I am simply stating what I've observed in a passionate way.
What is essential is that the popular press - the BBC, national newspapers and popular TV and radio shows - actually addresses and interrogates these issues. They don't have to address them exactly as I have, but at least address them.
The wider British public must be informed and educated.
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