Saturday 30 April 2022

A Fragment

My cramped, little garden was a mess 

A funny smell lingered by the drain 

I sat alone, was I the only one to greet the morning sun? 

Wisps of cloud were scattered across a pale blue canvas 

Pleasant birdsong emerged from the silent, peaceful emptiness 

Nothing is more fertile than emptiness 

The bird continued chirping its pleasant song 

Other birds joined in, and the song became a beautiful chorus 

The birdsong was unintelligible to me, yet it meant everything to me 

The chorus continued a little longer, as the birds sang sweetly to each other 

The sounds emanated from the silent emptiness, then dissipated, only to begin again 

Somehow, in my cluttered garden, the eternal dance of creation and destruction, life and death, transformation and renewal, played out before me 

Was I the only one to meet this quiet, peaceful morning? 

Ahh, the warm sun felt nice upon my skin 

I'm grateful to be alive

If I Worship You

O Lord, if I worship You Because of fear of hell Then burn me in hell. If I worship You Because I desire paradise Then exclude me from parad...