Saturday 18 May 2024


You are not sinful. You are not beyond redemption. Your body and desires are not wrong or evil.

The divine isn’t stored somewhere on high, in the distant, untouchable clouds. It isn’t something to ascend to. The divine isn’t something to attain, achieve or win. 

You're already divine. If only we could realise what’s always been there.

Your mind, and your most noble, lofty ideas, are surface ripples of the rich intelligence of your body. And your body is not merely a vehicle for your soul. It is an expression of soul. It is an expression of earth and animal intelligence.

You are an expression of soil and plants and water. Perhaps, if we need to do anything, it is to descend.

We need to descend into the present moment. We need to descend into the compost and the earth. We need to descend into the darkness and roots and mycelial threads.

If anything, the angels are below.

A Fragment

In darkness I become whole again

When everything is still and empty, the questions cease, and the silence whispers to me

When the revolutions of daylight come to a close, I shed my skin and become naked and vulnerable

Yet in my very vulnerability I find an imperishable strength, a place where nothing or no one can hurt me

This place is my home

The darkness nourishes me

Saturday 11 May 2024

A Fragment

The midday sun clothed the grass in robes of golden felicity, generously pouring its radiant honey on the world below

There I reclined, the green field my soft bed for the afternoon

Time had ceased, space had vanished

A rich, blue expanse domed the world, which became a sacred space teeming with animacy

Daisies and buttercups speckled the green grass around us, as my sisters and I made daisy chains, lost in the delicate task

Life was only to be good, reverential and filled with light, despair was never to rear its head

Then I stumbled and fell, as the summer field became more distant

I felt separation, pain and anxiety

I was taught to mimic others, to conform

I was asked to leave my younger soul behind, to march forward with everyone else

Lost and pained, I ran, I didn't know what else to do

I ran and ran until I came upon a familiar place

The trees were intimate and comforting

I rested on the bed of soft grass

As the summer sun poked its head through the clouds, as the birds sang their soul-songs, I noticed the grass was speckled with daisies and buttercups

Inhaling deeply the sweetness of the air, my body flooded with a torrent of emotion

I had returned

A Fragment

A choir of angels singing, birdsong carried me from slumber to waking

Their delicate sounds intermingled, gently plucking at my unconscious, lifting me from one world to another

Is there a better way to awaken?

Though it was cold and grey, I felt light and content

I did not wish to be elsewhere or look forward to some future plan, nor did I dwell on the past

I simply existed and this was enough, the fullness of the moment held me

The cool morning breeze, the trees and bushes, the tweets, chirps, clucks and hoots all became music to me, the most divine music


And the wheels keep turning

Dark gives birth to light as songbirds pierce the silence, heralding a new day

We awoke light and healthy, our thoughts flowing easefully

As we ambled by the river, greenery and foliage proliferated around us

It seemed all of life were burgeoning and blossoming in this very moment, spilling over in excitement and joy

Overfilling the contours of restraint and order, everything burst forth in excess, headiness and jubilation

We too were unrestrained, intoxicated by the beauty of nature 

We inhaled the walm, balmy air and as we took in this nectar it smelt of green and soil and sunshine all rolled into one

Today we did not ruminate, we did not worry, we did not analyse

We simply existed and delighted in existing 

Insects flew around us and covered the plants and flowers

Birds tweeted in the trees above 

Bushes and trees twisted and inclined in our direction

We all swirled and danced together, no step was out of place

We were all one dance

We were all one melody

Western Values

  A certain narrative ha s become more prominent in recent times , with various well-known proponents . T his narrative tell s us that ...