Tuesday, 30 January 2024

A Fragment

Mercurial and mobile
Adaptable, fluid
Sometimes, I am hard and ice-cold
Other times, soft and yielding
I can be mighty and terrifying
For travellers, I often grant gentle passages
I also grant treacherous passages
I glisten and dance before your eyes
I nourished your nascent body, filling the womb that birthed you
To some, I am the fluency and resilience of women
Ocean, cloud, rain, river and back again
I am the ceaseless flow of life
Observe and drink my wisdom, weary traveller
I will quench your desperate thirst

Monday, 29 January 2024

A Fragment

A murmuration materialised before us, sweeping miraculously across a muted grey sky

Like the atoms of a body in motion, they moved in perfect unison

Transfixed, I looked on with wonder and awe

My friend spoke "It must have something to do with the leading birds and the motion of air travelling to the others"

I momentarily held this view in mind, then felt a pang of vacuity and despair

The wildflowers burgeoning across the springtime field, their green stems suffused with golden light, petals joyously spreading, are they also to be summed up scientifically?

What about the glowing moon suspended in the nightsky?

And the magnificent mountains sprawling before you, terrifying and wonderful, spilling toward the distant horizon?

How about the fox that locked eyes with you as you wandered home, its amber eyes glinting in the dark, its rusty pelt bristling as it scurries away?

Awe and humility should be welcomed through the door of our understanding, and we should ask them to sit right beside science

Western Values

  A certain narrative ha s become more prominent in recent times , with various well-known proponents . T his narrative tell s us that ...