"We are led by the least among us"
- Terence McKenna

I've grown tired of arguing against the Conservatives. Is it not abundantly clear that their fundamental policies have always maintained or increased an extreme rich-poor divide and fuelled perpetual war and hatred? The Conservatives show no signs whatsoever of changing their fundamental policies, so clearly they show no signs of ending poverty, war and hatred.
One of the main arguments of the Conservatives is that they are the only party who can deliver a "strong economy". What is meant by "strong economy"? I rarely here this phrase explained in a reasonable, intelligent way. From a non-technical standpoint and judging simply by the hard evidence of many years of Conservative rule, including New Labour, it seems that the Conservatives' "strong economy" invariably equates to a staggering divide between the rich and poor. So in what sense do they mean "strong"? The Conservatives champion and preside over an economic system that allows one individual to be worth £9.5 billion and, simultaneously, for homelessness to rise. Is this not enough to make the population understand? It doesn't take an intellectual to understand that there is something inherently wrong with a political party and system that allows this to happen.
Even if economic efficiency was defined in terms of cold, abstract logic, the Conservatives do not deliver. Neoliberalism, the Conservatives' ruling ideology and economic system, their sine ne qua non, led to the 2008 financial crash. In other words it collapsed. Neoliberalism was started by Margaret Thatcher, the ultimate Conservative, the Conservatives' idol, and was continued by Tony Blair and New Labour. Blair and New Labour were, according to Thatcher, her greatest achievements. So even in cold, ruthless terms the Conservatives aren't worth voting for.
Humane political parties do exist. They won't solve every problem and they may have to operate in a toxic global climate for a while but who knows, maybe they'll set an example? Maybe they'll show people another way? Societal change has to start somewhere.
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