Monday, 30 October 2023

An Autumnal Fragment

falling, still falling

I’ve forgotten who I am presently

I wish people were a little more present, presently present

Anyway, I just love the shapes of these trees, the grooves, crannies and textures of their bark

I love being surrounded by all this mud and all these leaves

I can smell the earth, the soil, I inhale the soul of the season

I feel autumn in my body, in my blood, I feel the transition

The flow of time is manifest as leaves release their dying gasps

Sprinkling the ground, the leaves are of many colours, mustardyellow, burntorange, winered, coffeebrown

I see fungi emerging from the ground and decaying pieces of wood

This feels like home

Others don’t seem to like Winter, or the decay of Autumn, but I’ve never had these feelings

I embrace every season, within every experience I try to see every other experience

As I wander the forest, pondering, I notice a proud horse-chestnut tree dominating the leaf-covered glade

Some of its leaves are

Monday, 23 October 2023

A Fragment

Did you know that you are radiant?

No matter how low, shameful or guilt-ridden you feel, you have always been miraculous and precious 

You have always been capable of giving and receiving love

It seems easy to numb and distract ourselves

Sometimes we do this our whole lives, we think this makes things more bearable

It seems easy to bury our heads, to surround ourselves with noise, to avoid the paradoxical plenitude of silence

But within every moment of your life, within every droll, mundane, commonplace event, there is a sacredness

Within every pain, every base desire, every longing, there is something wondrous and mysterious

So open your doors, step outside, and bathe in the warm sunlight

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

A Fragment

My home is darkness 

This is where I live and thrive

My winding tendrils stretch and curl through the earth

I seek the low places, the depths, the places people ignore and neglect

This is where I am most content

It is quiet here

I often hear rumblings but mostly I live in silence

In silence, touch becomes essential and sacred, I learn an infinite amount through vibrations alone

My dark home is built of soil and dirt

I am friends with the worms and mycelial threads

Yet I know that the world of light needs me and I need it

Although this dark, fecund, tactile world is my home and my preference, I know that the world of light, sound and sight is just as necessary

In essence, we exist as one

A majestic tree needs deep roots

Western Values

  A certain narrative ha s become more prominent in recent times , with various well-known proponents . T his narrative tell s us that ...