falling, still falling
I’ve forgotten who I am presently
I wish people were a little more present, presently present
Anyway, I just love the shapes of these trees, the grooves, crannies and textures of their bark
I love being surrounded by all this mud and all these leaves
I can smell the earth, the soil, I inhale the soul of the season
I feel autumn in my body, in my blood, I feel the transition
The flow of time is manifest as leaves release their dying gasps
Sprinkling the ground, the leaves are of many colours, mustardyellow, burntorange, winered, coffeebrown
I see fungi emerging from the ground and decaying pieces of wood
This feels like home
Others don’t seem to like Winter, or the decay of Autumn, but I’ve never had these feelings
I embrace every season, within every experience I try to see every other experience
As I wander the forest, pondering, I notice a proud horse-chestnut tree dominating the leaf-covered glade
Some of its leaves are