Thursday, 19 November 2020

We Should All Be Concerned About Jeremy Corbyn's Treatment

I have been utterly fascinated with Jeremy Corbyn since he became leader of the Labour Party, with extremely good reason.

The reaction to Corbyn's leadership from virtually all sectors of British society has been intensely revealing of how our society operates. He has been treated like no other politician in recent history. Cobyn's treatment has emphatically shown what is going on behind closed doors. It is unfortunate for you if you cannot perceive this.

The Corbyn phenomenon represents a case-study revealing how power functions in British society and how corruption and evil is woven deeply into the fabric of our institutions, even the very political party meant to be representing working-class people. 

If you are remotely concerned with helping people, and if you are remotely concerned with truth, then I urge you to study Corbyn's treatment, in a balanced, evidence-based fashion.

For me, Corbyn's vilification goes beyond political concerns. We have witnessed unceasing, shameless attacks on the very notion of truth. When it comes to Corbyn, meaningful, healthy debate and criticism is almost totally absent. His vilification points to a sick, morally stagnant society that does not value honesty, transparency and compassion.

The relentless blows Corbyn has publicly sustained have been for the sake of all of us. Corbyn is guided by his love for people. This is what has enabled him to endure such brutal, unfounded vilification and hate. I urge you to give your unwavering solidarity to one of the most admirable politicians in British history.

Western Values

  A certain narrative ha s become more prominent in recent times , with various well-known proponents . T his narrative tell s us that ...